Dosha: Vata
Air and Space
Vata Dosha is the principle of movement in all living organisms and is a combination of the elements: air and space. Vata Dosha is closely related to the nervous system.
According to Ayurveda, the main characteristics of Vata Dosha in any person are:
Can appear in the body as:
Generally quick actions, fast walking and speech, restless eyes, likes travelling and often has mood swings.
Dry body (including skin, hair and lips), an inclination towards constipation as a result of dryness.
Dislike towards cold weather, generally cold feet and hands, an inclination towards poor blood circulation.
Generally underweight, thin physique (bones and muscles), light sleeper.
Rough and cracked skin, nails, hair feet and hand. Crackling joints.
Some of the bodily functions ruled by Vata Dosha are:
- physical movement
- respiration
- starts activities and processes in the body
- stimulation of Agni (digestive fire)
- excretion
- development of the embryo
- sensory perception
- speech
- hearing
- enthusiasm
- creativity
The imbalance created by excess Vata Dosha can be exacerbated by:
- stress, over-exertion, or pressure
- irregular daily routine or irregular mealtimes
- going to bed late
- raw, cold or dry foods
- coffee, tea, carbonated drinks or cigarettes
- long journeys
- cold, windy weather, especially in autumn or winter
Vata Dosha can be balanced by:
- a regular daily routine, including sleep and meal times
- regular relaxation
- warm nourishing foods with sweet, sour and salty tastes
- moderate alcohol intake
- keeping warm in cold weather
- Ayurvedic massages
Dosha: Pitta
Fire and Water
Pitta Dosha is the principle of transformation in all living organisms and is a combination of the elements fire and water. Pitta Dosha is closely related to the digestive system, metabolism, enzymes and glands in the body.
The main characteristics of Pitta Dosha in any person are:
Can appear in the body as:
Good appetite, strong digestive fire, body temperature is higher than normal, dislike of heat, early greying of hair.
Oily skin which is soft. Dislike of oily food.
Excess sweating, passing of excess urine, loose stools tendency towards diarrhoea, excess thirst.
Acidity, teeth sensitive towards sour fruits, excess salivation. Sour eructation.
Accurate memory, sharp teeth and sharp facial features with a pointed nose and penetrating eyes.
Burning sensation on skin, including eyes, throat and stomach. Feelings of anger and hatred.
Spread of any infection of the body e.g. a rash, acne etc. Tendency towards desiring fame.
Some of the bodily functions ruled by Pitta Dosha are:
- digestion
- metabolism
- vision
- heat and energy production
- skin lustre
- hunger
- thirst
- intelligence
- courage
- anger
The imbalance created by excess Pitta Dosha can be exacerbated by:
- anger
- extremes of sour, salty and spicy food
- coffee, tea, alcohol, cigarettes
- loud aggressive music
- too much direct sunlight, heat especially in summer
Dosha: Kapha
Water and Earth
Kapha Dosha is the principle of stability and maintenance in any living organism and is a combination of the elements water and earth. Kapha Dosha is closely related to the lymphatic and immune system in the body and is responsible for the growth of the individual.
The main characteristics of Kapha Dosha in any person are:
Can appear in the body as:
Deep voice, tendency towards obesity, large and heavy body, bones and muscles.
Cold skin, tendency towards attacks of cold, slow metabolism leading to reduced appetite and thirst.
Soft skin and hair and tendency toward soft tender nails. Loving, caring and kind attitude.
Oily body including skin, hair, nails, stools. Flexible and mobile joints.
Tendency towards excess intake of sweet foods and drinks. Good anabolic state of the body.
Patient and relaxed attitude. Firm decisions. Likes sedentary activities like reading, watching television etc.
Excess salivation, thick slimy secretion when suffering from a cold. Thick joints with good mobility.
Some of the bodily functions ruled by Kapha Dosha are:
- strength
- maintenance of health
- maintenance of the joint functions (synovial fluid)
- smell
- taste
- anabolism and growth
- potency
- stability
- nutrition
- absorption
- immunity
- satisfaction
- tolerance
The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.
Dr Unnati Chavda
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