Friday, July 11, 2014

Vatta-Pitta-Kapha: Dosha

Vatta Dosha

The Vata dosha is defined by the inherent interaction and exchange between space and air. The amount of space affects the ability of the air to gain momentum. If space is unrestricted and boundless, the air can gain momentum and become as forceful as a hurricane. Therefore, Vata is the impulse principle or the force of mobility, responsible for all movement in the mind and body.

Vata controls breathing, blinking, movements in the muscles and tissues, pulsations in the heart, all expansion and contraction, the movements of cytoplasm and cell membranes, the movement of the single impulses in nerve cells, hearing and speech functions. 

Seat of Vata: The colon; also resides in the hips, thighs, ears, bones, large intestine, pelvic cavity, and skin.
Primary sense: Touch and hearing
Colors: Yellow, ochre or brown
Season: Fall

Lighter and thinner frame, tall or short
Prominent joints and bones
Thin, dry skin, with fine pores
Small and active eyes, usually dark brown or dark grey
Lips are generally thin and dry
Teeth tend to be small and crooked
Hair is usually dark, thin, dry and frizzy
Nails are dry and thin
Nose, hands and feet are often cold to the touch
Irregular eating, small appetites
Shorter stamina
Little perspiration
Quick speech and pace
Light, short, and often interrupted sleep
Sensitive to sound and touch 

Imaginative and enthusiastic
Makes friends easily
Quick and lively
Learns fast
Stronger short-term memory, than long-term
Mental and physical energy come in bursts
Very active with continuously changing lifestyle
Great speakers, flowing thought patterns
Accommodating to the needs of others
Very generous with their time, money, and anything else they can offer

When Vata becomes imbalanced (excess), some of the most common things it can physically lead to are: joint pain, chills, gas, constipation, lower back pain, tremors, loss of appetite, insomnia, fainting and various other disturbing irregularities. The skin can also show signs of dehydration, flakiness, and excess or premature wrinkling.

Psychologically, out of balance Vata will be restless with anxiety, worry, and lack of focus.  Overrun Vata is also nervous, fearful; unable to sit still, has constant worry, indecision and low tolerance.

Many different factors disturb Vata including stress, excess activity, strenuous exercise, constant travel, improper diet, the season of autumn, and especially an overly irregular routine. 

Take into account that these are generalized descriptions.
If you need help finding the right products, assessing your skin type or current skin condition, please consult us and we will help guide you in finding the skincare that best suits your needs.


Pitta Dosha:

The Pitta dosha is defined by the interaction and modulating relationship between fire and water. Fire and water's relationship is not based on similarity, but rather on the exchanging dominance of one over the other for the purpose of fueling important life processes. For example, too much fire will result in the boiling away of the water. Too much water will result in the fire being put out. Therefore, the consuming force of Pitta is the energy principle or force of transformation, which is responsible for all changes in the mind and body. 

Pitta controls digestion, absorption, assimilation, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature, skin coloration, the luster of the eyes, intelligence, and understanding. 
Seat of Pitta: Stomach; also resides in the small intestine, sweat glands, blood, fat, eyes, and skin.
Primary sense: Sight
Colors: Blue, green, or purple
Season: Summer

Medium build, proportionate
Develops muscles easily
Sensitive, combination skin
Luminous glow with large pores in T-zone
Eyes are bright and have penetrating gaze
Lips and eyes are medium sized, nose is often sharp
Hair is silky and thin, often with red hues
Nails are soft, pink and well formed
Soft and warm to the touch
Voracious appetite
Good digestive power
Speech is clear, sharp, and precise
Little sleep, but sound
Sensitive to bright light 

Intellectual with warm personality
Good leader
Fiery, chivalrous and passionate
Asks many questions
Metaphorical and interpretive thinkers
Mental energy is sharp and focused
Competitive drive, highly ambitious
Great delegates, pioneers
Sensitive and compassionate
Extremely Visual

When Pitta is out of balance, some of the most common things is can physically lead to are hypersensitivity of the skin, blotchy redness, rashes, hives and dry patches, inflammation, ulcers, acidity, excess heat, thinning hair, high blood pressure, and insatiable hunger. Acne or eczema may also develop.

Psychologically, out of balance Pitta, is prone to frustration, anger, jealousy, aggression, arrogance, irritability and impatience.  Exacerbated Pitta can also become spiteful, critical and judgmental. 

Factors that can disturb Pitta include a diet that contains too many hot or spicy foods, fasting or skipping meals, over-exposure to the sun or to hot temperatures, and emotional trauma. 

Take into account that these are generalized descriptions.
If you need help finding the right products, assessing your skin type or current skin condition, please consult us and we will help guide you in finding the skincare that best suits your needs.

Kapha Dosha:

Kapha is defined by the consistency and connection between water and earth. Kapha is structure and lubrication. For example, if we take a jar, fill it halfway with water and then add sand, the sand will gradually sink to the bottom of the jar, separating from the water. The only way to keep the sand in equilibrium with the water is by stirring the mixture continuously.  Kapha is the steady stirring energy that keeps the water and earth together. Kapha is the fluid force of cohesion. 

Kapha is responsible for our physical structure and maintain the body's resistance, lubricates the joints, provides moisture to the skin, helps to heal wounds, fills the spaces in the body, gives biological strength, vigor and stability, supports memory retention, gives energy to the heart and lungs, and maintains immunity.  

Seat of Kapha: Chest (main); also seated in the throat, head, sinuses, nose, mouth, stomach, joints, cytoplasm, plasma, and in the liquid secretions of the body, such as mucus.
Primary sense: Smell and taste
Colors: Red, pink and orange
Season: Winter

Larger, well-built frame
Evenly proportionate
Skin is clear with larger pores
Eyes are moist and prominent
Lips are full and pale
Large, strong teeth
Hair is thick, lustrous and usually wavy
Nails are clear and pale
Cool and moist to the touch
Constant appetite
Strong, with great endurance, good immunity
Slow, steady pace
Sleep is long and deep
Taste and smell sensitive 

Caring, steady, and calm
Not easily irritated, strong and stable
Great long- term memory
Mental and physical energy is steady and enduring
Loves routine
Make good providers, dependable
Serene, warm and nurturing
Romantic and loyal

When Kapha is imbalanced (excess), some of the most common things it can physically lead to are lethargy, weight gain, congestion, asthma, prolonged sleep, excessive oiliness, blackheads, cystic acne, cysts, edema, water retention, and swelling.

Psychologically, emotions of depression, attachment, greed, and long-standing grudges or envy can emerge. They can also be greedy, possessive and withdrawn.

Some of the factors that disturb Kapha are not enough activity or exercise, improper diet, cold winter weather, and seclusion.

Take into account that these are generalized descriptions.
If you need help finding the right products, assessing your skin type or current skin condition, please consult  us and we will help guide you in finding the skincare that best suits your needs.

The sole purpose of these blogs is to provide information about the tradition of ayurveda. This information is not intended for use in the diagnosis, prevention or cure of any disease. If you have any serious, acute or chronic health concern, please consult a trained doctor/health professional who can fully assess your needs and address them effectively. If you are seeking the medical advice of a trained Ayurvedic expert, call us or e mail.

Dr Unnati Chavda

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